Sunday, June 22, 2008


Came down to KL to settle some stuff about the re-sit (or refer as my dad says it). I can only start applying in mid-July, in person at Taylor's. Met Mr. Joseph and I told him that I have to re-sit a paper. He sounded surprised, saying that I'm one of the consistent ones in the class (flattering, but useless though since I failed). He gave a suggestion that I could try applying for the visa now and ask them for a pending in application - meaning I will only be eligible for my visa provided I have the letter from the University.

My dad called me this morning and tell me that I should ask PTPTN whether:
1. I'm eligible for the loan
2. I can use the loan for overseas study
3. What is the quantum of the loan

Speaking about loans, scholarships and applications, I'm quite sick of hearing those words now. These words are the ones I've been listening to for the past two years. Every time a holiday pops out, my dad would surely mention me about it. For your information, I am not a brilliant student unlike my sister who had achieved good grades and she got herself into UM, my dad's alma mater. Why bother applying for scholarships when my results are like ^^^^?

I've been reminding myself that I have to start studying for the re-sit but my sub-conscious mind has been telling to not to. I don't know exactly why, I have not touched a single criminal book and I really have a feeling in my gut that it is going to stay that way for some time. I even have Yuffie to tell me to start studying now, and just as I thought I am not bulging from my "I don't want to study" mood.

I'm currently filling up my very spare time by listening to songs and doing all the gardening (half-way) and watching football till 5 in the morning. All of them non-productive.

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