Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Food for Thought

Raja Petra Kamaruddin posted on his blog with the topic, "Halal and Haram". To be honest, I believe he was giving the wrong message: generalisation of Muslims being a liar, a hypocrite and blasphemous, although what he wanted to do was to show how hypocritical some Muslims are and obviously trying to convey a political message about our politicians. However, there may be some people that were misguided in knowing what Islam is.

I always wanted to correct people’s misconception about Islam but I never had the guts to do so as I am really not well versed in my faith. If I am wrong, please correct me with proper references.

I would like to straighten things up about some things he mentioned:

1. Islam does not allow a Muslim to eat pork. But in dire circumstances, we can do so. To touch a pig is not haram (sinful). You can touch a pig or a dog, it is just that you have to samak the 'touched' areas. Samak means washing your hands with a one part mixture made up of water and clay; six parts water in order to purify oneself from the ‘filth’. Conclusion, you can touch. No sins. Just clean up after you touch.

2. Islam does not discourage a Muslim to wish friends "Merry Christmas and other religious festivals". There is no wrong in doing so, plus it is good to have to relations with people of other religions - it is a good practice to wish other people as our intentions is to maintain good relations with other people. Islam encourages good practices as long it is within the Quran and Sunnah.

I am not well conversed in my faith but I do not like the way Raja Petra Kamaruddin is doing. What he should do was is to mention that the one these are the "oddities" of certain Muslims. He should then correct it with the proper Muslim interpretations and practices as stated in the Quran and Sunnah.

All this while my fellow non-Muslim friends get the wrong message: things like the hijab, women in society and etc. about Islam and I feel that I should at least correct some of them within my limited knowledge in my faith.

Religions are good in nature; it is just some people who would just tarnish the good name of religion. If I'm just as blunt as the others, I could just say that 600 years ago, Christians were just as bad during the Crusades with the Pope, being the religious icon and head, was the most corrupted person on the planet then by having mistresses, out-of-marriage children, power hungry, ordered 'hit jobs' to consolidate his power and so forth. But no, I think that it is just some people, no matter past or present were just capitalising on religion and unfortunately, the Pope then was one of those people who capitalised religion for their own personal gain.

If religion was put to good use, good things would happen. Look at the late Pope John Paul II, he had good qualities. He managed to bring people of other religions closer and he forgave the person who tried to kill him, not many can do that.

Muhammad S.A.W made fundamental changes to Arab society. First, he actually helped to bring the whole Arab people together, an achievement as in general, Arabs then were very brutal and have affiliation to their own tribes. Before his time, women were no more than "sex toys" to men. After Muhammad’s time, women had more rights than they ever had before. Women then had the right to divorce as to just men who could do that. The rituals’ sacrificing young newborn girls (something which was very common then as having a female then was considered bad luck) is no longer practised.

To get things straight, honour killings – the ones practiced by people in the Middle East region is not, I REPEAT, an Islamic practice. It is just Arab culture, which in my opinion is wrong and should not be practised at all.

To my friends out there, just make sure you understand properly about other religions before bashing someone. That will show how ignorant, hypocritical and shallow you are, making no different than the hypocrites.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Came down to KL to settle some stuff about the re-sit (or refer as my dad says it). I can only start applying in mid-July, in person at Taylor's. Met Mr. Joseph and I told him that I have to re-sit a paper. He sounded surprised, saying that I'm one of the consistent ones in the class (flattering, but useless though since I failed). He gave a suggestion that I could try applying for the visa now and ask them for a pending in application - meaning I will only be eligible for my visa provided I have the letter from the University.

My dad called me this morning and tell me that I should ask PTPTN whether:
1. I'm eligible for the loan
2. I can use the loan for overseas study
3. What is the quantum of the loan

Speaking about loans, scholarships and applications, I'm quite sick of hearing those words now. These words are the ones I've been listening to for the past two years. Every time a holiday pops out, my dad would surely mention me about it. For your information, I am not a brilliant student unlike my sister who had achieved good grades and she got herself into UM, my dad's alma mater. Why bother applying for scholarships when my results are like ^^^^?

I've been reminding myself that I have to start studying for the re-sit but my sub-conscious mind has been telling to not to. I don't know exactly why, I have not touched a single criminal book and I really have a feeling in my gut that it is going to stay that way for some time. I even have Yuffie to tell me to start studying now, and just as I thought I am not bulging from my "I don't want to study" mood.

I'm currently filling up my very spare time by listening to songs and doing all the gardening (half-way) and watching football till 5 in the morning. All of them non-productive.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Madness? Madness? This is.... Shit!

I laughed at myself when I checked my results, not believing on what I saw. I failed Criminal law. Of all papers, Criminal! That subject had my highest form of research and studies. I read the textbooks, nutcases and all that crap. In addition, I made myself good notes to remember cases and principles.

I guess being panic-key during the exam was the main factor. My brain suddenly got blur and the all so simple principles was all forgotten in that bloody two hour period. Came out with the answers not completed, but I never thought that I'd fail that paper. I was wrong. Hahahaha.

Worst of all, the re-sit is from 28th August till 5th September. That means I have to rush like hell when I apply for my student visa. Great, it always has to be last minute every time.

Well, que sera sera. What will be, will be. Now I'll just have to bear all the nagging and emotional distress from my parents saying, "Why you fail? Why? Now have to re-sit and the marks will still be at 40%." "And now you have to rush to apply your visa." Bla. Bla. Bla.

Not to mention my uncle's insult upon me like he did when I got my matriculation results. "I know you never study. I know. My friend's son, who was in the same college with you said you always play, never studies..." In my life, I never had a decent compliment from my family. It is either I never realise about it or there was never a compliment. My siblings and cousins deserve better treatment, though I'm not going to complain on that point.

That brings me on to another point: my mum. She loves to call my name where ever she is. "Daniel, please wash the Dishes!”Daniel! This!" "Daniel! That!" It does not matter where or what I do. All she cares is me doing what she asks me to do. Even if I’m so far away and my siblings are right close to me, she'll call me. My mum has this habit of whining about doing work, "Ohhhh, I dah pening kepala". I don't mind doing the chores but this is insane. No one else is doing the work except me and Sarah. Don't even mention about Imran, Hanna and Faiz. Ask them to do something is like asking God to drop money from heaven. One can hit the piss-o-meter when your mum ask you to do work and she's sitting on the sofa watching her Korean dramas laughing together with Hanna.

Well, happy enjoying myself for the next few months. Surely it is going to be a pleasant one. *Sarcasm*

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Well, this is it.

A blog. A post to be posted. More words. More time typing.

Hopefully I could keep on writing and its not just some one off.