Monday, April 12, 2010


Up till a concert a few days ago, everything seems to be ok even though if all hell is stacked upon me I'll cope with it. I've always dreamt of bed of soft green grass even though I am absolutely sure that there are none of those waiting for me to lie on. Or maybe I have been too idealistic in life, always dreaming of an utopia form the corner of my brain that everything is set and settled in my head, anything that I do which I am indifferent will be the one I like later on in life (or at least be damn good at it).

But then Joshua Radin came to London. I was never a fan of this dude, someone made me go for that concert. But half way through the concert, something struck my head. This man was a songwriter and one day he decided to be a singer 5-6 years ago. Now he's an 'upcoming' singer (or at least he looked like he's enjoying the songs he's churning out and make good dough out of it) So he enjoys his stuff, so what? But wait, he is enjoying his stuff, but what about me? Am I going to be the person that when I look at my future self I'll be the successful person I've been dreaming of, having a job which I have passion in or at least a well paid professional job? Assuming he is enjoying his stuff, he is now in my words living his life as he wants it to be. So, is he the majority, or the privileged few who could enjoy what he aspires to be in the past?

Then fear came in to me. The future is so uncertain, how exactly Man could move on with so many uncertainties? Man craves certainty; law is a perfect example of our desires. Courts love justice, but I think in all actual truth I think the courts love precedents and legal certainty rather than justice. Maybe that is the reason why people love Lord Denning, with equal numbers who scorn him (I secretly believe people do not like the way he judges, especially other judges) as he would always find a way to put 'justice' first than precedents, certainty or principles.

Back to the main topic, this Joshua Radin struck me so hard that I actually feel sad and have self-pity upon myself even though I don't give a rats ass about him or his songs. Assumptions again, he is actually ENJOYING what he is doing and as for me, well it is up to Fate to show what I'm going to have. The only comfort for me is if I put enough effort/determination/whatever you call it, I could change the course of Fate. But will it be for the better or worse? I do not know.


plain jane said...

like it or not, every normal person goes through this in life. at some point, doing what they have or need to, though not necessarily wanting to. and if they are lucky enough getting the opportunity to do what they want to though not necessary need to. just how you view your life & your priorities.

*slaps self into reality. this is so serious of me* well its not often i get to depart words of the wise (sic) but once in a while i do :)

matdene said...

Thanks! Yeah, at the end of the day, choices have to be made based on how we view things in life. Just afraid that choice turned out to be the wrong one! D: Hope I don't go there!

plain jane said...

Even if you do make the wrong choices, it's never to too late to make it right. Always treat one as a learning curve & it will all be okay. Just remember that everything happens for a reason & whatever obstacle you face at any point of life, that too shall pass.

Okay that will be RM2k for consultation fees :P

matdene said...

There was no offer and acceptance for your services, thus I am not compelled to pay you the consultation fees. Lol.