Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What have we gotten ourselves into?

Can anyone agree with me on this point? Our politicians have been doing a lot of fucked up stuff, both the government and the opposition. Do you think that it is time to stop this crap and focus on more important issues like the economy, education and security?

Our economy is not doing well now due to the US sub-prime market. To top it off, our politics is so unstable that we are driving investors away. All because of one person so eager to be PM by asking MP's to jump ship. Oh, and a very weak PM.

Our kids are not interested in studying now because they don't understand what their teachers are trying to teach them. It's not the teachers fault - it is the systems' fault.

Just recently a lady got slashed, stabbed and killed by robbers in front of the police. More worrying, it happened in a gated community, supposedly safe.

But all our politicians are interested in saving their own asses, not doing things in the interests the rakyat. They are supposed to go to Parliament to debate, make and amend laws but instead they go to Parliament just to curse around.

The good politician got scolded by his own party members for doing something which was right, while the bad politician who made very racist remarks got the backing of the whole state party behind him.

Can someone tell those fucking politicians and say, "Hey, stop this crap. Do your work. Properly."

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